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Hi, my name is Noa Zalle and I'm an energetic healer. I started my professional way on a very different path. Following my bachelor of science degree, earning vast knowledge in pathology and nutrition,
I studied at the Biology faculty in the Weizmann Institute of Science.
During those years I became familiar with the energetic world, holistic medicine and yoga, all of which became a way of life for me.
I have started to share the complete and whole healing qualities of the energetic therapy with others.
My qualifications:
B.Sc in Nutrition Science - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
MA - BenGurion University of the Negev
Energetic healer & facilitator
Yoga teacher and embodiment yoga therapist
Access Bars© practitioner
Access Consciousness© Body processes practitioner
Access Consciousness© CFMW
Certified Hydrotherapist
Shiatsu practitioner
When I first started, I gave energetic healing sessions to people dealing with cancer at a cancer patient support center and I was also teaching at a complementary medicine college.
Today, I give energetic healing and symphony of possibilities (SOP) sessions, facilitate Access Bars© sessions and Access consciousness© body processes at my private clinic.
I created SEND therapy - therapeutic energy that goes beyond distance and allows people from near and far to benefit from the energetic sessions.
I teach Energetic Healing classes, give Integrative Yoga lessons and meditation classes live and online.
In all of those are intertwined elements from the fields of Yoga Therapy, Embodiment, The Somatic Experiencing® of dealing with Trauma, Medical intuitive and additional knowledge and experience from other fields that I have studied and have been involved with, over more than a decade of energetic work and the love of the energetic magic.
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